Friday, June 29, 2007

Well, paycheck or no paycheck (see post below), I am starting my budget today. It is such a bad weekend but life is full of inconvienient times. I'm going to the city this weekend, I get to spend time with my boyfriend... go to the Taste, and my friend's enegagement party is this weekend, plus mom wants to go wandering around for a wedding dress. These are not budget-friendly activities, but I am abandoning my blog for the weekend and I will update you after Monday.

I'll holla dollas. Enjoy the weeeeekkkkkkkeeeenddddd BABYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!

Thursday, June 28, 2007

I don't have a !#$@#%@#$ paycheck!

So... I'm still not calmed down from this, but in a nutshell... the new supervisor at work that does payroll, mistakenly didn't report my hours for the last 2 weeks. So basically I have been slaving at work for free labor! And we brought it to the "payroll" woman and she said since it is the last day of the fiscal year (as luck would have it), they can not cut me a check until after July 5... something about a quick pay check. Are they smoking crack?! Do they know I am trying to get my personal finances together? This was going to be my first check so I can start my budget! I didn't even cry, I only laughed (and tightened my jaw a bit). Isn't that something... when you are trying to better yourself, the devil tries to find ways to stop your progress!! HA! I'm like Puffy, TAKE THAT! TAKE THAT!!!

Ironically, DHL miscalculated when my Hello Kitty checks were coming and I ended up chasing the USPS truck down for about 2 blocks...

I'm off to eat some pizza, read Smart Women Finish Rich and calling it a night!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

It-sa Wednesday!

38 days till graduation! Yes I have a countdown set up on my Dashboard and my iGoogle!

hhhmmm my mother just hit me up for money for her wedding! I can't say no! ... if she's happy I'm happy. I'm just glad my budget doesn't start until this Friday!

Monday, June 25, 2007

Girl, Make Your Money Grow

I just finished reading Girl Make Your Money Grow by Glinda Bridgforth and Gail Perry-Mason. I enjoyed the stories that they told and the exercises after each chapter. It reminds me more of a book to motivate you than tell you all the ins and outs of investing. Now I am on to The Wall Street Journal and Smart Women Finish Rich. I can all ready say that David Back's book has too much dialogue in it for me, but seeing as how I am starting out I'll take any thing I can get my hands on.

I'm also looking into some ways I can maximize some extra income. Some do PPP, but my blog isn't over 90 days yet. Another site I have been looking into was Cashduck. I'm sure many of my readers have the answer and you also get some sort of incentive if you refer me.... so leave a comment.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

making that first step

Hmmm I have gotten many things accomplished since I have stepped away from updating this blog. First and foremost, I applied for my first "real" job today... It is basically the exact line of work that I do at my internship now but instead of making minimum wage.. I will be starting with a salary that is to die for (for entry-level) and will be applying to several more opportunities by Monday. My fall-back option (clothing retail boutique) phoned me today and said that she has received my resume and will be reviewing it shortly. I think this lady has a crush on my brother who is also into clothing retail, and if so... I'm in there. I don't think I am made to do clothing retail as a career but it would be so cool to work at this boutique though. Besides... she needs a website PROMO The store is no bigger than my closet! Seriously! 2 racks, 1 shelf and a desk, but the girl knows what she is doing and the style of clothes there are hawt. Best case scenario: part time.

I also have verified my info for a new c.c. Yay! time to start building some tradelines. I will be sending off for my secured card as well, no later than next Saturday. My primary bank is not in the area where I go to school, so I went to a local bank today and the customer service said that a money order or cashier's check is about $5. I just turned my happy ass back around and said 'no thank you'! I will wait. They must have been smoking crack!

I'm so happy because this company that I willingly put down $250 down payment for their product has emailed me (back and forth) and said they will be mailing me the refund! Well it is about damn time! It's hard to find good customer service these days!! But I'm doing the band-stand-happy-dance so I can drag and drop that into my savings.

Update: 'nother $100 towards my savings! woo hoo. I'll holla dollas!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

today is a good day

Today is a good day... I got an email from American Airlines stating that they are sending my boyfriend and I both $100 voucher for our major inconvience while using their services to go to Miami last month! Damn straight!

And I just opened my (online) bank statement and it says that I have a credit from my university for $500. We have a incentive program, if you graduate in 4 years you can apply and receive a $500 check! Well guess what?! Come this August I am out of here, walking across that stage and finished in 4!

I love my ING savings account and that is why I want to share it with all of you. No hassle savings and checking, and what could be even better than the bank writing and mailing your checks for you. Open an INGDirect Savings account with $250 and earn $25 (this is not a scam), email me at msvoad[at] so I can send you the promo email. You'll love this! Stop letting your money sit in a checking account without APY and email me.

.... no this is not sponsored!

Update: 04:02pm And to take my mind off of the fact that I nexted my cable and internet and I am living with 4 channels... yes.... 4 channels. .. I did pass my all essay exam on marketing channels (zzZZzzzz) with an 89%. God is the best, because I definitely did some praying before I walked in with my #2 pencil. AND to reward myself, I should place an order for those checks mentioned in the post below.... *runs to go read Krystal's and NIU's comments*

Monday, June 18, 2007

new budget

Update: 05:15pm send off permanent opt-out forms

I am practicing restraint! I am 2 checks away from finishing my book... I saw these personal Hello Kitty checks...

and the only thing that is holding me back is my plan to practice a budget beginning June 29 and the fact that I can use my bank's online bill pay instead of writing a check. I want to get the bonus buy single set that cost $36. But $36 for checks plus you have to mail them out with the new $.41 stamps. I will be spending more than I am saving. If I look at it like that then I can avoid debiting the $36 but the checks are just too cute. What do you all think? Leave a comment.

This brings up my disappointment today, applied for a Visa with a comapany last week... was denied. I called and they told me over the phone. I expected that and am not saddened by it because it motivates me to keep on my path so later I will be like, "I told you (company) that you would give me this card sooner rather than later." I thanked the representative for her time but told her that it is no big deal.

I can't wait to start budgeting... I know that budgeting for some people is a buzz killer. But with my newly acquired, high tech Excel spreadsheet, there won't be a penny unaccounted for. I will be using the monies from my paychecks for income, I have money set aside for debt. And the more debt I pay down (as well as budget), the more it will free up money to save.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

budgeting the expenses

I'm sitting around like a bum on this lazy & hot Sunday afternoon. I basically haven't left the house in 2 days. And no I am not agoraphobic... I'm just soakin' up some of this AC. I am in summer school and it feels wonderful to not take about 4 classes a day, not to work like a beast... it feels wonderful not going to bed until 4am because of exams and waking up to a peaceful day. I'm am basking in life's "little things" because I'm ignoring the fact I have a sink full of dishes and last semester's work all over my apartment.

... I told you it is a lazy Sunday. Anyhoo...

So just the other day I received not 1 but 2 invites to my friend's big events. One is having an engagement party and my other friend is having a baby shower. I am so happy for the both of them but they couldn't have waited to this LAST year when I wasn't caring about my spending habits... but now comes the challenge. How creative can I get on a budget? I never had to do it before... I would always get my friends the best gifts. I'm going to search around and see what I find.

I am a graphic designer so I know I can save about $6 if I design the greeting cards myself. No big thang!

Last night to save on an $119 expense, I decided not to renew and close my domain accounts. I had two websites that I designed last year. I got a great discount: register for 2 domains was free and I only had to pay for the hosting. This month was my time to renew but I "ext-nayed" it, got a blogger and found other sites to host my art work.

My lazy Sunday won't continue after 4pm. I'm gonna go tackle those dishes and do yoga.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

how did i get here?

This is the first moment since "starting" my debt that I stood up to face it head on. In the past talking about my debt would bring me to tears. Don't get me wrong, my situation could be worse (and I thank God that it isn't) but it's time to stop running.
Before I went to college, I started with 2 credit lines. I followed the instructions that I heard from television. Charge things pay it off... I did just that and my limits rose. Well, I go to college and initially couldn't find a job and once I found a job, I was making minimum wage... which at the time was $5.75. Needless to say managing rent, utilities, credit cards and ALL other school related expenses was impossible. I ignored the mail, I screened my calls...
I woke up! That brings me to today. Some day soon, I want to buy a home and I knew that my credit report had to come out the closet soon.

Since then I have been researching, reading, intrepreting, asking questions... everything in my power to right my wrongs.

My first goal is to pay down my credit cards and personal debt. Feel free to read, comment, post related links.

I have realized (just days into my credit freedom journey) that a) this won't happen over-night and b) I am not going through this alone.

I am keeping track of my debt and blogging my way out of it.
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