Friday, June 29, 2007

Well, paycheck or no paycheck (see post below), I am starting my budget today. It is such a bad weekend but life is full of inconvienient times. I'm going to the city this weekend, I get to spend time with my boyfriend... go to the Taste, and my friend's enegagement party is this weekend, plus mom wants to go wandering around for a wedding dress. These are not budget-friendly activities, but I am abandoning my blog for the weekend and I will update you after Monday.

I'll holla dollas. Enjoy the weeeeekkkkkkkeeeenddddd BABYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!


Unknown said...

Ms. Voad,

It's Debt Challenger. I accidentally deleted my blog trying to consolidate my google accounts. I had to start all over. I haven't left girl!

NIUiceprincess said...

The Taste was fun! I'm going back this Saturday.

My advice to you: Bring your own bottled water, don't waste 3 tickets getting the water there. Freeze the water bottles overnight. By the time you're ready to drink it at the Taste, the ice would have melted but the water's still cold. =)

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