Thursday, July 12, 2007

job huntin'

I am back on the job hunt again but now for a different state since fian and I are moving together, I feel like Krystal... and thanks to Single Ma for her encouraging words about moving in together while tackling my finances and credit history. Any hoo, I sent out a blanket of resumes and cover letters to business in the area that we are moving. I'm a tad discouraged because I have the notion that companies will frown upon the fact that you are "new" to the state and applying to their job position, and will basically disregard my stuff. But my best friend who is now living in the area where we are moving to... her hubby's sister and mom have their own business and are looking for a graphic artist. So of course, my BFF automatically mentioned my name. I'm going to shoot over my information to her sister-in-law later today... excuse me if I sound a bit desperate right now but I am ready to pursue my career.


Unknown said...

Ms. Voad you do not sound desperate. You sound like someone who is ready for their independence and to pay off their debt. You go girl.

Many people apply for jobs before moving to an area. I have friends who have interviewed in other states before they've moved there. They know you are coming to the area or you wouldn't have submitted your resume. Be sure to ask your best friend if she knows somebody who knows somebody who can help you get in at one of the places you applied. I wouldn't have my job if it weren't for my friend from college and I'm thankful for her help everyday.


krystalatwork said...

Keep at it! You and I both know how tough the design industry is nowadays, when everyone and their dog is a designer. I had to hand out a thick stack of resumes before I landed my new job. Don't get discouraged, you'll land a great job before you know it!

You don't sound desperate at all. Like DC said, you sound like someone who is ready to start her career and get her finances in order.

ms.voad said...

Thank you both. I'm doing all I can as far as this job hunt, but it is hard to know where to start when you are not from an area. But I have faith... and DC.. I'm actually moving to "your" area. Got any hook ups?

SavingDiva said...

GOod luck with your job hunt! Keep sending out your resume. I know it will pay off with a fantastic job.

ms.voad said...

thank you saving diva

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